Tuesday 30 August 2011

9 Extraordinary Human Abilities

This list of extraordinary human abilities was inspired The Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Memory when I began thinking about how some people are blessed (or cursed, depending on your point of view) with the ability to recall a scene as if they were looking at a photograph. And how other people can recreate music from memory, such as Mozart’s famed reproduction of Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere after one hearing. What other extraordinary abilities might humans have? I’ve listed nine of the most well understood (i.e. not paranormal or ‘fringe science’) and interesting abilities rated from most common to most interesting and rare. Bear in mind that most of these unusual abilities are genetic and cannot be controlled by the person affected but are an inherent quality of their physical self. Read more here about human senses.



People who experience taste with greater intensity than the rest of the population are called supertasters. Having extra fungiform papillae (the mushroom shaped bumps on the tongue that are covered in taste buds) is thought to be the reason why these people have a stronger response to the sensation of taste. Of the five types of taste, sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami, a supertaster generally finds bitterness to be the most perceptible.

Scientists first noticed the differing abilities of people to taste a known compound when a DuPont chemist called Arthur Fox asked people to taste Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). Some people could taste its bitterness; some couldn’t – whether people could depended on their genetic make-up (a variant of this test is now one of the most common genetic tests on humans). While about 70% of people can taste PTC, two thirds of them are rated as medium and only one third (approximately 25% of the wider population) are supertasters.

Supertasters will often dislike certain foods, particularly bitter ones, such as brussel sprouts, cabbage, coffee, and grapefruit juice. Women, Asians, and Africans are most likely to have the increased number of fungiform papillae that make them supertasters.

Absolute pitch


People with absolute pitch are capable of identifying and reproducing a tone without needing a known reference. It is not simply a better ability to hear but the ability to mentally class sounds into remembered categories. Examples of this include identifying the pitch of everyday noises (e.g. horns, sirens, and engines), being able to sing a named note without hearing a reference, naming the tones of a chord, or naming the key signature of a song. Doing any of these is a cognitive act – it requires one to remember the frequency of each tone, be able to label it (e.g. ‘A’, ‘C#’, or ‘F-flat’), and sufficient exposure to the range of sound within each label. Opinions vary as to whether absolute pitch is genetic or a learned ability that is strongly influenced to one’s exposure to music at crucial developmental stages – much like how a child’s ability to identify colors by their frequency depends on the type and level of their exposure to it.

Estimates of the portion of the population having absolute pitch range from 3% of the general population in the US and Europe to 8% of those (from the same areas) who are semi-professional or professional musicians. In music conservatories in Japan however, about 70% of musicians have absolute pitch. Part of the reason for this significantly larger percentage may be because absolute pitch is more common among people who grew up in a tonal (Mandarin, Cantonese, and Vietnamese) or pitch accent (Japanese) language environment. Absolute pitch is also more common in those who are blind from birth, have William’s Syndrome, or have an autism spectrum disorder.


Featherly Colors

Tetrachromacy is the ability to see light from four distinct sources. An example of this in the animal kingdom is the zebrafish (Danio rerio), which can see light from the red, green, blue, and ultraviolet sections of the light spectrum. True tetrachromacy in humans is much rarer however – according to Wikipedia only two possible tetrachromats have been identified.

Humans are normally trichromats, having three types of cone cells that receive light from either the red, green, or blue part of the light spectrum. Each cone can pick up about 100 graduations of color and the brain combines colors and graduations so that there are about 1 million distinguishable hues coloring your world. A true tetrachromat with an extra type of cone between red and green (in the orange range) would, theoretically, be able to perceive 100 million colors.

Like supertasting, tetrachromacy is thought to be much more common in women than men – estimates range from 2 – 3% to 50% of women. Interestingly, colour-blindness in men (much more common than in women) may be inherited from women with tetrachromacy.


Echolocation is how bats fly around in dark forests – they emit a sound, wait for the echo to return, and use that sound of the echo in each ear plus the return time to work out where an object is and how far away. Surprisingly (well, maybe not on this list!), humans are also capable of using echolocation. Use of echolocation is probably restricted to blind people because it takes a long time to master and heightened sensitivity to reflected sound.

To navigate via echolocation a person actively creates a noise (e.g. tapping a cane or clicking the tongue) and determines from the echoes where objects are located around them. People skilled at this can often tell where an object is, what size it is, and its density. Because humans cannot make or hear the higher pitched frequencies that bats and dolphins use they can only picture objects that are comparatively larger than those ‘seen’ by echolocating animals.

People with the ability to echolocate include James Holman, Daniel Kish, and Ben Underwood. Perhaps the most remarkable and well-documented of cases is the story of Ben Underwood, who lost both his eyes to retinal cancer at the age of three. He is shown in the video above (warning: the scene where he puts in his prosthetic eyeballs may be a bit disturbing for some).

Genetic Chimerism

Dna 500

In the Iliad Homer described a creature having body parts from different animals, a chimera, from this mythological monster comes the name of the genetic equivalent – chimerism. Genetic chimerism, or tetragametism, in humans and other animals happens when two fertilized eggs or embryos fuse together early in pregnancy. Each zygote carries a copy of its parents DNA and thus a distinct genetic profile. When these merge, each population of cells retains its genetic character and the resulting embryo becomes a mixture of both. Essentially, a human chimera is their own twin.

Chimerism in humans is very rare; Wikipedia states that there are only about 40 reported cases. DNA testing is often used to establish whether a person is biologically related to their parents or children and can uncover cases of chimerism when DNA results show that children are not biologically related to their mothers – because the child inherited a different DNA profile to the one shown by a blood test. This is what happened in the case of Lydia Fairchild: DNA tests of herself and her children led the state to think that she was not actually their mother.

People born with chimerism typically have immune systems that make them tolerant to both genetically distinct populations of cells in their body. This means that a chimera has a much wider array of people to choose from should they need an organ transplant.



Imagine consistently associating numbers or letters with certain colours, or hearing a specific word which triggers a particular sensation of taste on your tongue. These are two forms of a neurological condition called synesthesia. Synesthesia is when stimulation of a particular sensory or cognitive pathway leads to an involuntary (i.e. synesthesia is not learnt) response in other sensory or cognitive pathways.

Synesthesia is most often genetic and the grapheme (letters, numbers, or other symbols) to colour form of synesthesia is the commonest. Other synesthetes can experience special-sequence synesthesia (e.g. where dates have a precise location in space), ordinal linguistic personification (when numbers have personalities), or sound to colour synesthesia (where tones are perceived as colours).

Although synesthesia is a neurological condition it shouldn’t be thought of as a disorder, because generally it does not interfere with a person’s ability to function. Most people are not even aware that their experiences of life elicit more sensory responses than other peoples might and the ones that are rarely consider synesthesia to have a negative impact on their lives.

Predictions of the percentage of people with synesthesia vary widely, from 1 in 20 to 1 in 20,000. Studies from 2005 and 2006, using a random population sample, suggested 1 in about 23 people have synesthesia. Examples of people with synesthesia include the author Vladimir Nabokov, composer Olivier Messiaen, and scientist Richard Feynman. Daniel Tammet, who is mentioned in the next section of this list, is a synesthete (in addition to being a mental calculator) who sees numbers with shapes and texture.

Mental calculators

04 03 10---Calculator Web

The most extraordinary group of people adept at performing complex mental calculations is those who are also autistic savants. While there are many trained people who can work out multiplications of large numbers (among other calculations) in their head extremely fast – mostly mathematicians, writers, and linguists – the untrained ability of autistic savants is the most interesting. The majority of these people are born with savant syndrome (only an estimated 50% of people with savantism are also autistic), which is still poorly understood, few develop it later in life, usually due to a head injury.

There are less than 100 recognised prodigious savants in the world and of the savants with autism who are capable of using mental calculation techniques there are even less. Recent research has suggested that a blood flow to the part of the brain responsible for mathematical calculations of six to seven times the normal rate is one of the factors that enables mental calculators to work out math much faster than the average person.

Examples of people with extraordinary calculation skills include Daniel McCartney, Salo Finkelstein, and Alexander Aitken. Daniel Tammet is one of few who are also autistic savants.

Eidetic memory

When a person has photographic memory or total recall this is called eidetic memory. It is the ability to recall sounds, images, or objects from one’s memory with extreme accuracy. Examples of eidetic memory include the effort of Akira Haraguchi who recited from memory the first 100,000 decimal places of pi and the drawings of Stephen Wiltshire (who is also an autistic savant) – his recreation of Rome is shown in the video above. Kim Peek, the inspiration for the autistic (Peek is not actually autistic though) character of Raymond Babbit in the movie Rainman, also possesses eidetic memory – among other things he can recall some 12,000 books from memory.

Whether true photographic memory exists in adults is still a controversial issue, but it is accepted that eidetic abilities are distributed evenly between men and women. One also cannot become an eidetiker through practice.

Immortal cells


There is only one known case of a person having immortal cells (cells that can divide indefinitely outside of the human body, defying the Hayflick Limit) and that is of a woman named Henrietta Lacks. In 1951, 31 year old Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cervical cancer, which she died from within the year. Unknown to her and her family (i.e. without informed consent) a surgeon took a tissue sample from her tumor that was passed on to a Dr. George Gey. A scientist for the John Hopkins University Tissue Culture Laboratory, Gey propagated Lacks’ tissue sample into an immortal cell line – the HeLa cell line (pictured above). The cells from Lacks’ tumour have an active version of the telomerase enzyme (telomerase is the mechanism by which cells age or are aged) and proliferate abnormally fast. On the day of Henrietta Lacks’ death, Dr. Gey announced to the world that a new age in medical research had begun – one that might provide a cure for cancer.

HeLa cells were utilised in 1954 by Jonas Salk to develop the cure for polio. Since then they’ve been used in researching cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation and toxic substances, and for mapping genes, among other things.

Today, the HeLa cells are so common in laboratories that they contaminate many other cell cultures and have rendered some biological studies invalid through their presence. There are also more HeLa cells alive today than when Henrietta Lacks was alive – they outweigh her physical mass by many times. Tragically, Lacks was never told of the immensely valuable contribution her cells made to science and her family was not informed until many years later that her cells were being used for research purposes (a 1990 court ruling later verified Lacks’ hospital as the owner of her discarded tissue and cells). I highly recommend

reading this story for a better picture of Henrietta Lacks’ life and the consequences of her cancer.

10 Things You Have To Do In Bed

Last week, John “Mind Of Man” DeVore warned us not to compliment a man when his is naked. Noted, buddy. But I have to say, as a woman, and a whole lot of one at that, even though you’ve already taken me home and gotten me naked, I still need to hear that you are ready for this jelly. Say something nice. Otherwise, I’ll think you’re not telling me how nice my booty is because you don’t like what you see. I swear, I’m not normally so insecure, but when I drop my dress, you need to start the sweet talkin’. Even if it’s a lie and you’re glad I turned the lights off, just tell me I’m pretty. You gotta do that, gentleman, and eight more things during sex besides get off ...

Take Some Initiative: Don’t just do what you know is going to get me off. Have fun, show me what you like to do to me. Don’t simply go through the motions.

Kiss Something Besides My Mouth: My lips are like one percent of me; your kiss feels good on the other 99 percent.

Take All Your Clothes Off: Shirt, shoes, no service. I want it off. I want it all off!

Make Some Noise: You don’t have to impersonate R. Kelly, but please let me know when and where I’m pleasing you.

Watch The Hair: Unless you’re pulling it intentionally, please don’t pin my hair down accidentally. It hurts and I don’t want to ruin the mood by complaining about it.

Look Me In The Eye: We don’t have to lock eyes forever, but a solid check-in makes me feel desired and gives me the chance to flash you a sexy look.

Focus On The Sweet Action: Don’t be high-five-ing yourself in the mirror, writing your grocery list in your head, etc. I’m right in front of you, and I’m naked. Focus!

Ask Me What I Like: You might really like what I say.

Let Me Know What You Like: If I’m sleeping with you, I want to make this fun for everyone. So, don’t be shy, boys.

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Why We Kiss: The Science of Sex

french kiss Pictures, Images and Photos

Pecking, smooching, Frenching, and playing tonsil-hockey—there are as many names for kissing as there are ways to do it. Whether we use it as an informal greeting or an intensely romantic gesture, kissing is one of those ingrained human behaviors that seems to defy explanation. Its many purposes—a blow and peck for good luck on dice, lips to ground after a rocky boat ride, kisses in the air to an acquaintance, and the long slow smooches of Hollywood—have different meanings yet are similar in nature. So why is it that we love to pucker up?

A Kiss Isn’t Just a Kiss

Philematologists, the scientists who study kissing, aren’t exactly sure why humans started locking lips in the first place. The most likely theory is that it stems from primate mothers passing along chewed food to their toothless babies. The lip-to-lip contact may have been passed on through evolution, not only as a necessary means of survival, but also as a general way to promote social bonding and as an expression of love.

But something’s obviously happened to kissing since the time of the chewed-food pass. Now, it’s believed that kissing helps transfer critical information, rather than just meat bits. The kissing we associate with romantic courtship may help us to choose a good mate, send chemical signals, and foster long-term relationships. All of this is important in evolution’s ultimate goal—successful procreation.

Kissing allows us to get close enough to a mate to assess essential characteristics about them, none of which we’re consciously processing. Part of this information exchange is most likely facilitated by pheromones, chemical signals that are passed between animals to help send messages. We know that animals use pheromones to alert their peers of things like mating, food sources, and danger, and researchers hypothesize that pheromones can play a role in human behavior as well. Although the vomeronasal organs, which are responsible for pheromone detection and brain function in animals, are thought to be vestigial and inactive in humans, research indicates we do communicate with chemicals.

The first study to indicate that chemical signals play a role in attraction was conducted by Claud Wedekind over a decade ago. Women sniffed the worn t-shirts of men and indicated which shirts smelled best to them. By comparing the DNA of the women and the men, researchers found that women didn’t just chose their favorite scent randomly. They preferred the scent of man whose major histocompatibility complex (MHC)—a series of genes involved in our immune system—was different from their own. Having a different MHC means less immune overlap and a better chance of healthy, robust offspring. Kissing may be a subtle way for women to assess the immune compatibility of a mate, before she invests too much time and energy in him. Perhaps a bad first kiss means more than first date jitters—it could also mean a real lack of chemistry.

Men Sloppy, Women Choosy

Behavioral research supports this biological reasoning. In 2007, researchers at University of Albany studied 1,041 college student and found significant differences in how males and females perceived kissing. Although common in courtship, females put more importance on kissing, and most would never have sex without kissing first. Men, on the other hand, would have sex without kissing beforehand; they would also have sex with someone who wasn’t a good kisser. Since females across species are often the choosier ones when it comes to mate selection, these differences in kissing behavior make sense.

Men are also more likely to initiate French kissing and researchers hypothesize that this is because saliva contains testosterone, which can increase libido. Researchers also think that men might be able to pick up on a woman’s level of estrogen, which is a predictor of fertility.

Crazy for Canoodling

But kissing isn’t all mating practicality; it also feels good. That’s because kissing unleashes a host of feel-good chemicals, helping to reduce stress and increase social bonding. Researcher Wendy Hill and colleagues at Lafayette College looked at how oxytocin, which is involved in pair bonding and attachment, and cortisol, a stress hormone, changed after people kissed. Using a small sample of college couples that were in long-term relationships, they found cortisol levels decreased after kissing. The longer the couples had been in a relationship, the farther their levels dropped. Cortisol levels also decreased for the control group—couples that just held hands—indicating that social attachment in general can decrease stress levels, not just kissing.

Looking at oxytocin levels, the researchers found that they increased only in the males, whereas the researchers thought it would increase in both sexes. They hypothesized that it could be that women need more than a kiss to stimulate attachment and bonding, or that the sterile environment of the research lab wasn’t conducive to creating a feeling of attachment.

Kissing, therefore, plays a role not only in mate selection, but also in bonding. At an Association for the Advancement of Science meeting on the science of kissing, Helen Fischer, an evolutionary biologist, posits multiple reasons for lip locking. She believes that kissing is involved in the three main types of attraction humans have: sex drive, which is ruled by testosterone; romantic love, which is ruled by dopamine and other feel-good hormones; and attachment, which involves bonding chemicals like oxytocin. Kissing, she postulates, evolved to help on all three fronts. Saliva, swapped during romantic kisses, has testosterone in it; feel-good chemicals are distributed when we kiss that help fuel romance; and kissing also helps unleash chemicals that promote bonding, which provides for long term attachment, necessary for raising offspring.

Sniff, Snuggle, and Turn Right

Yet, not all cultures or mammals kiss. Some mammals have close contact with each others’ faces via licking, grooming, and sniffing, which may transmit the necessary information. And although chimps may pass food from mother to child, the notoriously promiscuous bonobos are apparently the only primates that truly kiss. And while it’s thought that 90 percent of the human population kisses, there’s still the 10 percent that doesn’t. So it seems that as much as we use kissing to gather genetic and compatibility information, our penchant for kissing also has to do with our cultural beliefs surrounding it.

Whether we live in a place where kissing is reserved for close acquaintances, or somewhere where a casual greeting means a one, two, or three cheeker, one thing does remain highly consistent: the side to which people turn while kissing. It’s almost always to the right. A 2003 study published in Nature found that twice as many adults turn their heads to the right rather than the left when kissing. This behavioral asymmetry is thought to stem from the same preference for head turning during the final weeks of gestation and during infancy.

Monday 29 August 2011

Madden NFL 12

Madden NFL 12 is a released American football video game based on the National Football League that is being developed by EA Tiburon and will be published by EA Sports. It was released on August 30, 2011 in North America and September 2, 2011 in Europe.

The demo was released on August 9, featuring a game between the Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears.[3]

New features

EA Sports has revealed 25 new plays added to Madden NFL 12.[4]

[edit] Gameplay

  • The kickoffs are now at the 35-yard line due to the 2011 NFL lockout rule change.
  • Onside kicks can be executed from standard kickoff formations.
  • Tuner sets can be downloaded in order for developers to improve gameplay code without the distribution of official patches.
  • To support awareness for concussions, players who suffer a concussion during gameplay will no longer be allowed to return to the game.[5]
  • A new collision system uses momentum to produce more authentic tackling and hits with 100 new tackle animations, including 40 gang tackles.
  • AI enhancements allow players in zone and man coverage to correctly recognize and react to plays with the capability to break out of assignments when necessary.
  • The custom playbooks feature allows the player to modify an existing playbook or create his or her own by selecting plays from 75 playbooks.
  • The opening presentation for games includes mascots and cheerleaders for all teams that have them.
  • Player traits change dynamically throughout a game based on his performance.
  • Quarterbacks have distinct throwing motions, making them look much more like their real-life counterparts.

[edit] Franchise mode

  • During free agency in franchise mode, players bid auction-style against other general managers for free agents.
  • Expanded rosters in the preseason allow teams to have 75 players on the roster and need to make roster cuts each week.
  • Unlike previous versions of Madden NFL, players can trade for future draft picks.
  • There are also hot and cold streaks that will affect player ratings throughout the season.

[edit] Cover athlete

On March 21, 2011, EA began a bracket style 32-player tournament for fans to vote and decide who would appear on the cover for the 2012 edition of Madden.[6] The two players in the final round of the tournament were running back Peyton Hillis of the Cleveland Browns and quarterback Michael Vick of the Philadelphia Eagles. Peyton Hillis was announced as the winner on ESPN's SportsNation.[7] Peyton Hillis won the vote 66% to 34%.

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Hot & Sexy Katrina Kaif without clothes

Katrina Kaif (Kashmiri: क़त्रीना कैफ़ Devanagari born 16 July 1984) is an actress and former model who appears in Indian films, mainly in the Hindi-language film industry. She has also appeared in Telugu, and Malayalam

Monday 22 August 2011

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First-Time Sex on Your Wedding Night

Some couples wait until their wedding night to have sex for the first time. Many of these people fear that sex will be painful or boring. They wonder if they’ll know what to do. And they want information on how to make first-time sex on their wedding night as pleasurable as possible. Here is a guide to making first-time sex on your wedding night good for you and your husband or wife:

Create the right kind of ambiance. You want the room to be romantic. Use the best bedding that you have – from soft pillowcases to a luxurious comforter. Have flowers on hand – either a beautiful bouquet or rose petals on the bed. Dim the lights (although some people like to have the lights on – it’s a personal choice). It should be a clean and safe haven for you and your husband or wife to experience your first time together. Besides putting you in the mood, it will also relax you.

Wear something sexy. If you wear granny panties, you – and your husband or wife – might not be in the mood for love after seeing you. Worst of all, you might not feel confident, which will make your first far less satisfying. You should feel your personal best to enhance your pleasure and make the experience less stressful. Put on your sexiest underwear and whatever else it takes for you to feel really great about yourself.

Stress, which is natural to have after planning a wedding and planning to have sex for the first time, might cause vaginal dryness, which can make sex more uncomfortable or painful. Menopause and hormonal changes in your menstrual cycle are also causes for vaginal dryness. The solution? Use some sort of lubrication, such as Astroglide or KY, to create more moisture for friction. Open the tube of lube before you get started and keep it on the bed near you. You will probably have to experiment with the amount needed. Get information on

personal lubrication to make sure you purchase the right product for you.

Another way to create more moisture is to spend a lot of time on foreplay. Women need to get worked up to become naturally wet. Kissing, hugging, touching, and oral sex will help increase the moisture – and the pleasure. This also helps some people feel closer and more intimate during sex.

Choosing the right position, at first, might make a difference in how much pain the woman feels during vaginal intercourse. When a woman is on top, she can control the level of penetration. This can cut down on the discomfort she is experiencing and has her controlling and managing her pleasure and pain.

Breathing in and out can also help a woman who is experiencing pain, especially at the moment of initial penetration, to relax and feel better.

If you tend to worry about keeping things neat and organized, you might want to put a towel underneath you. Some women bleed, from their hymen breaking, and things can get messy. In fact, you might bleed for a few days or even the second or third time you have sex. It’s perfectly normal. To keep yourself clean, you might want to wear a pad or panty liner until the bleeding stops.

Talk. Don’t be afraid to discuss your fears, wants, and needs with your husband or wife before you make love for the first time. Feeling comfortable with one another is vital to creating a good sexual rapport.

Practice, practice, practice. Enjoy each other’s company and keep having sex even if it isn’t so great the first few times. If you care for one another and you’re both healthy, the sex will improve. But you have to have patience and learn about each other’s bodies and what pleasures both of you.

10 Ways to Improve Your Sex life

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Exercise Can Spice Up Your Sex Life

Flowers and chocolates might be great for romance, but a brisk 2-mile walk each day may be what you need to heat up your sex life. Study after study shows that exercise can improve sexual function for both men and women.

"Regular exercise may enhance sexuality through a variety of mechanisms that affect both the mind and body," said Dr. Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise "Physical improvements in muscle strength and tone, endurance, body composition and cardiovascular function (specifically, enhanced peripheral blood flow) can all enhance sexual functioning. Be careful not to over-train; too much exercise can actually decrease testosterone levels leading to a less-robust sexual appetite."

Studies Show Exercise Maintains or Improves Your Sex Life

Exercise Enhances Self-Image and Sexual Satisfaction: An October 2004 article in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality concluded that individuals who exercise regularly feel better about themselves, perceive they are more sexually desirable and experience greater levels of satisfaction.

Exercise Can Improve Erections and Reduce Risk of Impotence: The August 2003 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine published results of a study that found exercise can add years to a man's sex life and lower chances of impotence. Researchers looked at men over the age of 50 and found those who were physically active reported better erections with a 30 percent lower risk of impotence than men who were inactive.

Exercise Improves Erectile Dysfunction: In the June 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers from the University of Naples reported that lifestyle modifications, namely a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise, improve erectile dysfunction in obese men.

Two Miles a Day Keeps ED Away: A brisk 2 mile walk each day can reduce men's risk of impotence according to Dr. Irwin Goldstein, from Boston University School of Medicine in a study published in the August, 2000 issue of Urology. His 9-year study of 600 men who at the start of the study had no impotence problems found that those who kept exercising or took up exercising at middle age reduced their risk of impotence. Taking other healthy actions at mid-life such as quitting smoking, losing weight or cutting back on drinking did not reduce the risk of impotence.

Exercise Maintains Circulation: An article printed in the February 1999 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association shows exercise helps increase sexual potency because it strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves circulation. Good circulation is necessary for sexual function whereas obesity, smoking or heavy alcohol use can hamper this effect.

Boost Your Sex Life With Exercise

"Sexual function is affected by general health and the more you can do to improve your health with physical activity, the better your sex life can be," said Bryant. "Exercise has psychological benefits as well such as stress reduction, improved self-esteem, elevated mood and increased confidence that can also contribute to a more enriched sex life."

Walk Your Way to a Better Sex Life

Want to increase your exercise and reap the benefits? Join in one of our free email walking exercise programs.

Walk of Life 10-Week Program: Daily support for walking and weight loss

Let's Get Walking: Daily beginners program

Step Counters: Daily tips for pedometer walking Source: American Council on Exercise Press Release 2/9/05

Improve Your Sex Life with Exercise

If health and fitness aren't enough to get you to exercise, how about improving your sex life? Sure, exercise can help you look good and maybe that will help you get more sex, but I'm talking about increasing your potency and making sex more fun. You already know why exercise is so important for your health, but you may not know that studies have found a direct correlation between physical inactivity and a lack of potency. So, exercise can increase your potency, and it can also make your sex life more enjoyable. Here's what you'll need to get the most out of your sex life.

  • Cardio Endurance - For enthusiastic sex, you'll need to build cardio endurance. It makes your heart strong and keeps your body going. Shoot for 3 or 4 days of cardio exercise like running, walking, swimming or any activity you enjoy.

  • Muscular Endurance - Sex also requires you to hold...er...occasionally unusual positions for short periods of time, so conditioning your body can be a plus for longer lasting sex. If you're new to strength training, start with a basic strength workout 2-3 times a week or learn more about weight training to see how you can set up your own program.
  • Strength - As long as we're talking about holding yourself in position, strength is something else you'll need. Your basic strength workout will help you build more strength, just make sure you challenge your muscles with enough weight. You should use enough that your last rep is difficult, but not impossible and, if you're a woman, don't worry that you'll bulk up. Women don't produce enough testosterone to build big muscles, but you will build amazing strength. For more workout ideas, visit my Workout Center.

  • Flexibility - Being limber can enhance anyone's sex life by making it a bit easier to get into your favorite position with a minimum amount of fuss. Try stretching after your workouts or incorporate a little yoga into your routine. Yoga is also relaxing, which can help you reduce fatigue and get in the mood.

Keep in mind that both sex and exercise have been proven to help reduce stress, so doing both on a regular basis should help you stay relaxed and happy. Exercise also helps increase your sexual desire. Elizabeth Scott, About.com's Stress Guide discusses this in her article, Stress and Sex, pointing out that, "...at times stress can actually prevent us from being ‘in the mood’. With the libido-dampening effects of excessive stress, sex sometimes goes by the wayside." Exercise, along with a healthy diet and adequate sleep can boost your libido so you're up for anything.

Don't forget that sex burns calories. Sure, it has to be fairly vigorous to get your heart rate going, but a 130-lb person can burn about seven calories per five minutes of vigorous sex. Keep it up for an hour, and you'll burn off 88 calories...not bad for having a little fun, plus, you will impress your mate with your incredible endurance.

If you're pregnant, read about Sexual Relations During Pregnancy to find out safe ways to enjoy sex while you're pregnant.

Beer is Good For health

- xanthohumol, found in beer hops helps your body break down carcinogens (chemicals that cause cancer)

However, for optimum beer nutrition, drink dark beer which has more flavanoids (natural oxidants that fight disease)

But apart from being accessory to a good a time, beer has a lot of other uses.

Alternative Uses of Beer


There's This dude in Quqiao village (in China), who even built solar-powered water heater out of old bottles, warming enough bathwater for his family of free.

Alternative Uses of Beer

flickr.com © stephen-oung

Setting Lotion for Hair

Before hitting the shower, mix 3 tablespoons beer in 1/2 cup warm water. Rub this into your hair after you shampoo and rinse it off to get volume, shine and some awesome waves.

Or, you can soak your hair in beer and then soak some sunrays for all-natural highlights in your hair.

Bubble Bath

Pour in into your tub for a bubble bath that's good for your skin and hair.

Tenderize Meat

Beer's slightly acidic pH level lets you enjoy lean meat without ripping and gnawing - it can tenderize the meat.

It's also better than wine- and vinegar-based marinades in not imparting too much flavor to the meat.


Another slightly obvious use of beer - beer's Lactoflavin and Nicotinic Acid content promote sleep. Hops too are a natural sedative.

Stomach Ache

Beer's fizz (carbonation) can sooth an upset stomach, and it's also a mild sedative when the pain is too much to bear (and you don't have a painkiller lying around) (MensXP.com)